Wednesday, February 19, 2003

How's this for shits and giggles? When I was registering for classes last quarter for this (Winter 2003) quarter, I was planning on taking a class called COEN 120 (Computer Engineering 120: Real-Time Systems). This, (un?)fortunately conflicted with my current nemesis ELEN 115 (Electrical Engineering 115: Electric Circuits I). So, still needing to take that class, I registered today and was hoping to enroll in the course. Lo and behold, it conflicts, yet again, with another course. Ironically (or perhaps not), it conflicts with ELEN 153 (Electrical Engineering 153: Integrated Circuit Design), the course that's supposed to follow ELEN 115.


What am I supposed to do now? MOTHER F***ER! As I had blogged a couple days ago, I originally wanted to take ELEN 115 with another professor who, even after I politely asked her several times if I could add the class, would not let me add. Had she let me add the class, I would not be in this predicament because I could've taken COEN 120. MOTHER F***ER!

What am I supposed to do now? I NEED TO GRADUATE! I DO NOT WANT TO TAKE SUMMER SCHOOL! So I emailed the Dean of Engineering and he said if I could find an equivalent-sounding course at another four-year university, I could take it there. MOTHER F***KER! He suggested SJSU, which would've been cool... if they weren't already a couple of weeks into their damn semester. SOOOO, if school wants to let up on its bitchiness, hopefully I'll be able to take the course at De Anza. I hope the Dean approves. He better. Dammit. I hate school.

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