Thursday, November 7, 2002

Dude. Let me tell you. Replacing the headlight bulb on my 1990 Acura Integra sucked ass. Now first of all, even though I'm an "engineer" per se, I'm not an auto mechanic or whatever. And I'll admit I'm not the brightest when it comes to cars. But this should've been a really, really easy thing to do, right? So with sparse documentation, I couldn't figure out how to get access to the bulb. To make matters worse, the room they give you to work with is super tiny. I was thinkin', "what the heck, man?" But then if you think about it, it makes sense. Over in Japan, they have smaller hands. But man, was it ever a biatch getting it out.

On a lighter note, I know a lot of people don't like the rain, but I actually kinda like it. I mean, I think I'd get sick of it after awhile if it happened excessively, but in general, California weather isn't rainy much. And along with changing my headlight bulb came changing my windshield wipers because man, oh man, the ride home was an adventure. It was like I was driving without my glasses, and if you know how bad my eyesight is, yikes. So tomorrow I'm looking forward to using my new windshield wipers. It's like I have a brand new car now. New headlights, new wiper blades. Oooh Weee.

If it weren't for my damn midterms tomorrow, today would be a fricken' awesome day. More or less.

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