Sunday, July 14, 2002

why bother?

First things first - I'm thinking I'm interested in throwing a party for an upcoming weekend. For you friends out there, I believe we are all aware there is a vacant weekend with nothing planned, so that would be the date. Nothing set in stone - I'm just trying to gauge how interested people would be in such a party. Since no one really reads this here site, I just thought I'd throw the idea out there. If enough people wanna throw down, then I'll send out the mass email. Not too massive, but a good amount of people. And sorry if you don't get the mass email - you're not invited! Haha. Just kidding. Maybe.

So I'm pretty bored, right? And I've just been sitting here thinking to myself as I do quite a bit and felt the urge to blog. This isn't a typical blog because I hate this shit, but I'll let the lack of sleep get to me. As discussed previously with a different audience, it's come to my attention that lameness is a quality that I have in abundance. I know you don't believe it but, I'm sorry my friend, it's true. I'm not sure why I try to ignore certain "givens" or even probably hints. And I'm not sure if I should address these certain things even though I might want to. But then I keep thinkin', nothin' to lose, right? Why bother? Retarded. Retarded and lame. Stop. Stop, already.

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