Thursday, March 2, 2006

Random Thought

Where do ice cream trucks go in the winter?

I was just wondering because we live right by a park and during the summer, without fail, you'll hear the songs of an ice cream truck every day. I haven't heard them in awhile. Do they migrate south for the winter like birds? Are ice cream truck drivers nomads?

I wonder how lucrative such a business is. I remember in grade school we'd sell ice cream on Fridays, similar to ones you'd find on an ice cream truck. I was privy to the accounting information and knew that it cost like ten cents per ice cream but we sold it for fifty cents. Haha. I remember some days there would be a batch of melted ones and we usually just threw those out. Being the shrewd business man I am, I suggested we sell them for 25 cents each. We'd still make a profit. Ahhh. The cutthroat world of an ice cream salesman.

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