Wednesday, April 13, 2005

We all live in a yellow submarine...

Finally, a new site design. It's been awhile but I finally got around to it and here it is. It's not something I'm totally happy about but I thought I'd throw it up there. It doesn't closely resemble my original idea but it is what it is. When I do new site designs, I usually like to look back at what I've done before. If you're interested, here are previous iterations: one, two, and three.

So why the site design accompanied by a new blog even when it's not the beginning of a new month? The new design is something that I've needed ever since I left for Europe (I gave up trying to figure out how to fix my old blog so now my blogs are hosted on I figured a new blog should accompany the new design. And plus, I told Robyn of SoCal fame that I would start posting more blogs and give her a shout out. So there you go, Robyn.

So what's happened since my last blog? Some buddies and I rolled on down south to visit LA-LA-land. Thanks to the hospitable hosts down there. I had a ton of fun. I think I should probably send thanks to Rich for censoring some of those pics (from which that silhouette to the left is taken from -- can you find the original? haha). It was a fun trip and I'm looking forward to doing it again. And I do mean fun trip.

I think that's it for now. I don't want this blog to ramble on and on so I'm cutting it now. Those Beatles and their yellow submarine... Crazy stuff. Do you want to talk about it?

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