Saturday, October 16, 2004


Firstly, Barcelona is a great city. I was so excited to get here and when I finally did I just soaked in the atmosphere and was really enjoying myself. I still love it. But while here, the stuff most important to me on this trip got stolen. With the quickness my daypack with my new camera, my dad´s videocamera, my ipod, and other stuff was gone. And it´s not that that bums me out the most. It´s the 700 or so pictures, the two tapes of video and various little souvenirs that I wish I still had. Those are the memories I wish I could´ve brought back to show everyone and the ones I wish I still had for myself when I look back on this trip.

After the incident I was just ready to go home. I called my mom and asked if she could look up flights to just get me the hell out of here. But after a bit of cooling off and some helpful and supportive conversation with various people, I decided I´m going to stay a little while longer. For sure I´ll be staying 2 more nights but beyond that, I´m not so sure. I woke up this morning just wishing I was home.

Whether I´m home in a couple of days or back when I originally planned, this trip has been an unforgettable experience and I´ve loved pretty much everything about it. I´ve learned a lot and I won´t let this incident ruin what I´ve done and what I have yet to do.

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