I should blog more. Otherwise, the server and all the costs that come with it is a waste. Speaking of the server: there's a virus on it. I don't believe it will affect any of the files on it but if you guys on this site start experiencing some weird stuff like, oh... I dunno... random pictures or blogs, I can't be held accountable. Jk. One of these days I plan to upgrade it but right now, there's not really a point. Don't fix what ain't broke, right?
This leads to another rant I'll go on. Just like I've probably tried to fix stuff that ain't broke recently, I gotta say that Niner management seems to have done the same and screwed up not their team but our team, right? Sure they own it and all that stuff, but as fans and paying ticket goers and all that, we should be given a say. So it's still early in the season, I know. But come on. I don't think a Mariucci-led team would be 2-3 right now. I'm probably wrong and don't know anything about football, but that's my opinion.
And not knowing about stuff leads to another rant... I know I don't know a lot and I've been stupid in many, many situations, but seriously, I gotta say that I continue to be pretty damn stupid in my electric circuits class. Can someone please take this class for me? I'll pay you for a passing grade. It doesn't even have to be that good of a grade, I just want to freakin' pass.
Ah well. Such is the life. Perhaps I'll blog again sometime soon.
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