Saturday, December 28, 2002

So been kind of gone for a little while. We're now in a hotel with an expensive Internet connection but its broadband and I'm freakin' bored and not ready to sleep. According to the time on my dad's laptop it's around 11 AM on the 28th, Cali time. If I do my calculations correctly, that's 3AM on the 29th here. I could be wrong.

Anyhow, on the 28th here was my grandparents' on my dad's side 50th Wedding Anniversary celebration (actual day was the 20th I believe) and for the most part, it was pretty cool. It's just, I don't really know any of the relatives on my dad's side. At the hotel we're at, there were two side-by-side ballrooms. One for a different wedding and one for my grandparents. Because of that, my brother, sister, and I felt obligated to smile at everyone we passed because we weren't sure if they knew us.

Since I'm lazy and since most of you don't really want to hear about the happenings here, I'll just write up some thoughts elsewhere and post 'em. Some quick hits:

* Traffic sucks. It makes what would normally be a 10-15 minute drive into an hour to an hour-and-a-half long boring session of frustration. It also explains the massive and numerous billboards littered along the horizon.

* Related to the topic above: I find it peculiar that various people fix up there cars similar to racers do in the US. The average top speed we've probably gotten to around the city is 30Mph or so. 45-50 on a lucky day. If it's a race to the next bumper less than 4 feet away, is a huge spoiler really necessary? It's probably just a dumb question for me to ask, considering my supreme lack of knowledge in the area of autombiles, but I just find it peculiar. And then I think about it and I guess it's all about making cars look good. But one thing I found pretty funny was a huge spoiler on a Jeepney.

* I forgot all of my other quick hits.

After today, I'll be headed home. Cool.

It's been fun but I'm ready to leave.

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