Thursday, October 24, 2002

I thought this was fun:

At the end of class today in my Art History lecture, my professor is handing back our midterms from last week. So she's going down the names. Y'know, the usual stuff. And I don't know if these really are names in our class, but they sound like names in the class. I just thought I'd add it in for dramatic effect.

"Chris. Here's your midterm."

"Lindsey. There you go."

"Mike. Pass this one down to Bridget."

"Jeremy," then turns to the class, "who needs more caffeine for his next class."

And then we all have a good chuckle.

"What? You don't think I notice when students take a nap in class?"

Hahaha. No. I didn't think you noticed. Until of course you called on me during lecture when my eyes were closed. "Jeremy... What do you think of these two pieces of art. How would you compare them?"

Hahaha! Well firstly, I hope she really did call on me because I was just thinking that maybe she said a different name and I was mistaken in giving an answer. And secondly, Hah! Thought you could catch me off guard, huh, professor. So I give an answer and she agrees.

Anyhow, in and out of my dozing off, I had this feeling that she did notice but I swear - sometimes it's just really tough to keep your eyes open. Sheesh.

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