So I'm a couple of days late but Happy New Year, everyone. I've been meaning to blog something of substance the past couple of weeks but haven't come up with anything to blog about. I also wanted to redesign my site and was going to do so with a new blog but I haven't gotten around to a redesign. So this is all you get.
Also, thanks to everyone for the birthday wishes. They were much appreciated. Clint's birthday card was especially amusing:
To Kuya Jeng,
Stop Drinking.
From, Clint
I could review last year and tell you of the ups and downs but I'll refrain from doing so. This new year requires me to find a job and join the work force so we'll see how it compares to last year. And can you see that already? It's 2005. We're half a decade into the 2000s. Where's my flying car?