Thursday, November 4, 2004

One Week Removed

Does anyone still read this?

I've been home for a week now and have yet to redo my blogs in order to better remember what I did for 2 months. I wanted to try to remember everyone I've met and all the things I saw and did and I feel like the more I procrastinate on it the more I'll forget. But I'm too lazy to do that now.

One thing I did remember was a converstation I had with a Canadian backpacker named Dustin. He was cool but seemed a bit of the loner type. Anyhow, he's taken a couple of backpacking trips with each taking up a couple of months at a time. One trip he took kept him away from home for nearly 2 years (it was a "work-here, travel-there" sort of trip). I could never do such a thing but we got to wondering about how much things change in the time you're away from home. Being away so long, he was afraid that people would've forgotten about him or when he got back, things would be different.

He found out that things, for the most part, don't really change. And I think I have to agree. In some ways, it's sort of discouraging but at the same time, it's awesome. I know two months is nothing when compared to the years people spend away for college and what not but it's the only thing I can speak of with experience.

Haha. Another we talked about was talking about our travels with the folks back home. I probably haven't done a good job as far as describing things I saw and what not but the hope is to encourage more people to go travel because not enough people from home do such things. Haha. I probably bore you guys with all that but yeah - go travel!

I'm honestly itching to go on another backpacking trip. I wish I had the money. I'd love to even redo the same itinerary that I already went on. If I'm ever able to do it again, I think I'll try. And this time I'll be more careful with my stuff.