Monday, September 22, 2003

School started today. It's freakin' hot. I'm waiting for my next class which starts at 5. I just realized that from here on out, I'm going to be missing the first half of Monday Night Football every week. The class I'm taking is from 5 to 7. A new quarter and nothing has changed. I still do not like school.

Sunday, September 14, 2003

Birthday shout out to Ei. Hope it's a good one, buddy.

Go Niners!

Monday, September 8, 2003

Go Niners!

In other football related stuff, I thought this was funny. Describing a friend...

"This is a man who was heading to his fantasy football draft last week and told his wife, "This day is the highlight of my year," when he just got married two months ago."

- Bill Simmons, Page 2

Haha. I don't know why, but I can imagine a number of our friends saying that. Maybe not all of them. Just a couple in particular.

Football rules.

Thursday, September 4, 2003

Are you ready for some football!?

HELL YES. Finally! After months of waiting and waiting and waiting, I can finally follow some semblance of a routine and watch football Sunday mornings. Isn't it such a damn good game? Goodness gracious. So today, the NFL season kicks off with the New York Jets at the Washington Redskins. I'll go with the upset and pick the Jets. Even though they lost Chad "Coulda been a Niner" Pennington, I think they can pull the win out. Maybe. I could go either way. The thing I'm bummed about is that I'll miss the Britney pre-game show.

In my daily readings, I found this kind of funny, regarding the Jake Plummer pick up by the Denver Broncos:

"...The second-funniest subplot of the season: The Broncos dumping Brian Griese for Jake Plummer. That's like trading syphillis for VD, isn't it?" - Bill Simmons, Page 2

The NFL... Gotta love it.

P.S. The above link is a cool article, too. It gives Top Gun quotes and relates them to this NFL season. Good stuff.

Monday, September 1, 2003

Hmm. I don't know if any of you guys use the Google Toolbar but if you don't, I'd recommend getting it. I guess awhile ago they updated it but I never played around with the features. Among the cool features is a Pop-up Blocker and a BlogThis! button which I actually just pressed. It opens up a blogger window without having to go to the Blogger site, log in, etc. Cool stuff.